Boost your Business App

Navigate Request (Feature)

WorkplaceX runs as single page application (SPA). The root component of every website is the classt AppMain derived from the class Framework.Json.AppJson. But how does AppMain know which data to display? There is two methods to override:

  • Method NavigateAsync(); is used to serve static requests which do not need session data. For example to serve a publicly available (*.pdf) file.
  • Method NavigateSessionAsync(); is used to serve requests which need session data. For example the user navigates to the url path /about/. The program can now prepare to display and serve the /about/ page.

In WorkplaceX a Page is nothing else than a json component like a Button or any other component. The application root json component is AppMain. In the method NavigateSessionAsync(); the json tree is just updated according the incoming url request.

Example Home, About and Page not Found

Following example has three pages:

  • Home (localhost:5000/)
  • About (localhost:5000/about/)
  • Page Not Found (localhost:5000/anyotherurl
namespace Application
    using Framework.Json;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    public class AppMain : AppJson
        protected override Task NavigateAsync(NavigateArgs args, NavigateResult result)
            // Request session deserialize.
            result.IsSession = true;

            return base.NavigateAsync(args, result);

        protected override Task NavigateSessionAsync(NavigateArgs args, NavigateSessionResult result)
            this.ComponentListClear(); // Remove all pages

            if (args.NavigatePath == "/")
                new PageHome(this); 
                if (args.NavigatePath == "/about/")
                    new PageAbout(this);
                    new PageNotFound(this);
                    result.IsPageNotFound = true; // Returns code 404.

            return base.NavigateSessionAsync(args, result);

    public class PageHome : Page
        public PageHome(ComponentJson owner) 
            : base(owner)
            new Html(this) { TextHtml = "Home" };

    public class PageAbout : Page
        public PageAbout(ComponentJson owner)
            : base(owner)
            new Html(this) { TextHtml = "About us" };

    public class PageNotFound : Page
        public PageNotFound(ComponentJson owner)
            : base(owner)
            new Html(this) { TextHtml = "Page not Found!" };

Download Public File

Following example shows how to serve a simple public request to download file localhost:5000/my.txt:

namespace Application
    using Framework.Json;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    public class AppMain : AppJson
        protected override Task NavigateAsync(NavigateArgs args, NavigateResult result)
            if (args.FileName == "my.txt")
                result.Data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("Hello World!");

            return base.NavigateAsync(args, result);

Download Private File

Following example shows how to download a private file (for example a customer bill). It only can be downloaded if the customer logged on (or in this example clicked the login button first):

namespace Application
    using Framework.Json;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    public class AppMain : AppJson
        public AppMain()
            ButtonLogin = new Button(this) { TextHtml = "Login" };

        public Button ButtonLogin;

        public bool IsLogin;

        protected override Task ProcessAsync()
            if (ButtonLogin.IsClick)
                IsLogin = true;
            return base.ProcessAsync();

        protected override Task NavigateAsync(NavigateArgs args, NavigateResult result)
            if (args.NavigatePath.StartsWith("/bill/"))
                result.IsSession = true; // Request session data deserialization. IsLogin is always false here because session data is not yet available (performance).

            return base.NavigateAsync(args, result);

        protected override Task NavigateSessionAsync(NavigateArgs args, NavigateSessionResult result)
            if (args.NavigatePath == "/bill/my.txt")
                if (IsLogin)
                    result.Data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("Dear Customer. Here your bill: USD $10.00");

            return base.NavigateSessionAsync(args, result);

Trailing Slash

Following example shows how to forward a request to a trailing slash:

  • localhost:5000/about
  • localhost:5000/about/
namespace Application
    using Framework.Json;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    public class AppMain : AppJson
        protected override Task NavigateAsync(NavigateArgs args, NavigateResult result)
            if (args.NavigatePath == "/about")
                result.RedirectPath = "/about/"; // Sends a (HTTP 302) to the client

            if (args.NavigatePath == "/about/")
                result.IsSession = true; // Request url is ok, continue with deserialized session data

            return base.NavigateAsync(args, result);


Provide feedback to this page if you have any question regarding content or something should get updated.


WorkplaceX is an initiative to simplify and standardize the development of business applications. It is based on ASP.NET Core, Angular, Bootstrap, Bulma and SQL Server.

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